Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dental Care - Part 3

If you are suffering from an oral disease such as gingivitis or even if your teeth need the removal of tartar, your only solution is to visit your dentist. The dentist is the only professional that can remove the tartar from between the teeth and below the gums. Visiting your dentist once in 6 months is a recommended hygiene practice for your teeth. Only he or she can spot if you are suffering from a gum disease that shows no symptoms at an early stage. Gum diseases do not show any early signs as they do not pain. Until you develop gingivitis and your gums are swollen or bleeding, you will fail to recognize that you have an oral disease. If your teeth are free of cavities and bacteria, then your mouth will not give that foul odor that emits from your mouth in the morning. Flossing and brushing properly with fluoride toothpaste can help you maintain the health of your teeth.

Dental Care - Part 2

In the previous article, I mentioned that if your mouth is free from food particles, then your teeth will be healthy and free of any dental diseases. Sometimes, brushing alone will not help you in achieving this goal, especially if your teeth are not aligned. Flossing can be a good means that can help you in avoiding cavities, gum and other periodontal diseases. Flossing can assist you in reaching those tiny gaps between the teeth, where the food resides and allows the bacteria to feed on them. As the bacteria feeds on the leftover food particles between the teeth, they develop a black layer of residue called tartar or calculus. This tartar then attacks the gums, by making it swollen and red over a period of time. Eventually, this leads to the bleeding of gums, more popularly known as gingivitis. If left untreated, the tartar spreads to the jaw bone and affects the strength of the bones, by loosening the teeth. All these diseases are a development of stages stemming from the leftover of food particles between the teeth.

Dental Care - Part 1

The mouth is the only means by which food is naturally inserted into the body. Thus, it has become imperative for us to realize that the hygiene of mouth is the most important aspect to maintaining a good health. Research has shown a very strong relationship between dental and cardiac diseases. Thus, if your oral hygiene suffers for a long period, it is very likely that you could be heading towards a life altering disease such as diabetes or heart – related diseases. Dental problems can always be prevented by brushing on a regular basis. However, the key is to brush in the correct manner. If you get an opportunity to talk to your dentist, do take instructions on how to brush properly. According to dentists, more than 90% of the patients do not know this simple process. Most of them fail to remove the leftover food particles from between the teeth. The goal is not to scrub hard to whiten the teeth but to reach those places where the food particles remain.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Clean Hands

I cannot stress enough, as to how important the hygiene of hands is related to your well being. Our environment is filled with bacteria that are also found on our bodies, especially our hands. It is the hands that we use to touch any object and it is the hands that are most susceptible to carrying the bacteria. The hands are also a means of transferring bacteria and virus from coming in contact with an infected person. People who eat their food with their bare hands should maintain even more hygiene when it comes to their hands. When we consume our food, the bacterium on our hands goes directly into the mouth. Thus, wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day, especially before and after a meal. After washing your hands, make sure they are clean and dry. The moisture on the skin can promote the development of bacterial and fungal infection.

Body Hair

Body hair has its function like everything else on the human body. It not only protects your skin but also regulates the temperature of your body. Body hair is also useful if one lives in colder conditions, as it provides a natural blanket to your body. Nowadays, most people prefer to get rid of their body hair. Excessive body hair can increase your reaction to sweat, as it increases the temperature of the body. Thus, people living in warm and hot geographical regions, often prefer to get rid of their body hair. Your body will remain cooler if your remove the hair on your body. Waxing and shaving are some of the options; however, one should make sure that he or she does not have an allergic skin reaction while shaving or waxing. If you opt for electrolysis, do consult your dermatologist for known skin allergies.


Though it is embarrassing to sweat for some, it is a perfectly normal biological aspect of the human body. We sweat when our body needs to regulate the temperature of the body, so that our body can cool down. The moisture from our skin evaporates and cools our body down. Also, we can sweat if we are nervous, because our emotions have the ability to affect our sweat glands negatively. Merely sweating is not embarrassing, but the odor created through the process of sweating affects your self-confidence. The sweat from our body doesn’t actually smell, but the combination of sweat and the bacteria living on our body creates the foul smell. Thus, we should bathe regularly and always use an antiperspirant after we clean ourselves. Also, try to wear comfortable and lose clothing, preferably made from cotton that allows the flow of air on your skin.

Oily Hair

Hair, each strand of it, has its very own sebaceous gland, which produces oil to protect our hair by keeping it shiny and waterproof. When these glands produce more oil than required, then the hair becomes oily and too shiny and greasy. In order to minimize the production of oil from the sebaceous glands, wash your hair thoroughly, preferably twice a day. Excessive oil accumulates on the scalp of the head and forms dandruff. Thus, washing your hair with an ant-dandruff shampoo will help your issue of oily hair. With warm water (not hot), gently wash the scalp of your hair and rinse thoroughly to make sure that your scalp is not soapy from the shampoo. Do not use hair gels or hair lotions; this might make the condition worse. Visit a dermatologist if you are unable to control your oily hair through shampoos and other market products.