Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dental Care - Part 3

If you are suffering from an oral disease such as gingivitis or even if your teeth need the removal of tartar, your only solution is to visit your dentist. The dentist is the only professional that can remove the tartar from between the teeth and below the gums. Visiting your dentist once in 6 months is a recommended hygiene practice for your teeth. Only he or she can spot if you are suffering from a gum disease that shows no symptoms at an early stage. Gum diseases do not show any early signs as they do not pain. Until you develop gingivitis and your gums are swollen or bleeding, you will fail to recognize that you have an oral disease. If your teeth are free of cavities and bacteria, then your mouth will not give that foul odor that emits from your mouth in the morning. Flossing and brushing properly with fluoride toothpaste can help you maintain the health of your teeth.

Dental Care - Part 2

In the previous article, I mentioned that if your mouth is free from food particles, then your teeth will be healthy and free of any dental diseases. Sometimes, brushing alone will not help you in achieving this goal, especially if your teeth are not aligned. Flossing can be a good means that can help you in avoiding cavities, gum and other periodontal diseases. Flossing can assist you in reaching those tiny gaps between the teeth, where the food resides and allows the bacteria to feed on them. As the bacteria feeds on the leftover food particles between the teeth, they develop a black layer of residue called tartar or calculus. This tartar then attacks the gums, by making it swollen and red over a period of time. Eventually, this leads to the bleeding of gums, more popularly known as gingivitis. If left untreated, the tartar spreads to the jaw bone and affects the strength of the bones, by loosening the teeth. All these diseases are a development of stages stemming from the leftover of food particles between the teeth.

Dental Care - Part 1

The mouth is the only means by which food is naturally inserted into the body. Thus, it has become imperative for us to realize that the hygiene of mouth is the most important aspect to maintaining a good health. Research has shown a very strong relationship between dental and cardiac diseases. Thus, if your oral hygiene suffers for a long period, it is very likely that you could be heading towards a life altering disease such as diabetes or heart – related diseases. Dental problems can always be prevented by brushing on a regular basis. However, the key is to brush in the correct manner. If you get an opportunity to talk to your dentist, do take instructions on how to brush properly. According to dentists, more than 90% of the patients do not know this simple process. Most of them fail to remove the leftover food particles from between the teeth. The goal is not to scrub hard to whiten the teeth but to reach those places where the food particles remain.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Clean Hands

I cannot stress enough, as to how important the hygiene of hands is related to your well being. Our environment is filled with bacteria that are also found on our bodies, especially our hands. It is the hands that we use to touch any object and it is the hands that are most susceptible to carrying the bacteria. The hands are also a means of transferring bacteria and virus from coming in contact with an infected person. People who eat their food with their bare hands should maintain even more hygiene when it comes to their hands. When we consume our food, the bacterium on our hands goes directly into the mouth. Thus, wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day, especially before and after a meal. After washing your hands, make sure they are clean and dry. The moisture on the skin can promote the development of bacterial and fungal infection.

Body Hair

Body hair has its function like everything else on the human body. It not only protects your skin but also regulates the temperature of your body. Body hair is also useful if one lives in colder conditions, as it provides a natural blanket to your body. Nowadays, most people prefer to get rid of their body hair. Excessive body hair can increase your reaction to sweat, as it increases the temperature of the body. Thus, people living in warm and hot geographical regions, often prefer to get rid of their body hair. Your body will remain cooler if your remove the hair on your body. Waxing and shaving are some of the options; however, one should make sure that he or she does not have an allergic skin reaction while shaving or waxing. If you opt for electrolysis, do consult your dermatologist for known skin allergies.


Though it is embarrassing to sweat for some, it is a perfectly normal biological aspect of the human body. We sweat when our body needs to regulate the temperature of the body, so that our body can cool down. The moisture from our skin evaporates and cools our body down. Also, we can sweat if we are nervous, because our emotions have the ability to affect our sweat glands negatively. Merely sweating is not embarrassing, but the odor created through the process of sweating affects your self-confidence. The sweat from our body doesn’t actually smell, but the combination of sweat and the bacteria living on our body creates the foul smell. Thus, we should bathe regularly and always use an antiperspirant after we clean ourselves. Also, try to wear comfortable and lose clothing, preferably made from cotton that allows the flow of air on your skin.

Oily Hair

Hair, each strand of it, has its very own sebaceous gland, which produces oil to protect our hair by keeping it shiny and waterproof. When these glands produce more oil than required, then the hair becomes oily and too shiny and greasy. In order to minimize the production of oil from the sebaceous glands, wash your hair thoroughly, preferably twice a day. Excessive oil accumulates on the scalp of the head and forms dandruff. Thus, washing your hair with an ant-dandruff shampoo will help your issue of oily hair. With warm water (not hot), gently wash the scalp of your hair and rinse thoroughly to make sure that your scalp is not soapy from the shampoo. Do not use hair gels or hair lotions; this might make the condition worse. Visit a dermatologist if you are unable to control your oily hair through shampoos and other market products.


Those headaches, the feeling of stuffiness and congestion inside your nose, the swelling around your eyes, are all signs of Sinusitis. Sinusitis can be a very prolonged and painstaking problem, if left untreated for a long time. It basically refers to the inflammation or swelling of the sinus glands. This happens when the bacteria or virus infects our sinus glands through an allergic reaction or a weak immune system. “When the nasal congestion (stuffiness) associated with the common cold or allergies doesn't allow the sinuses to drain properly, bacteria can become trapped inside the sinuses, leading to bacterial sinusitis”. If you are developing symptoms of sinusitis, then try to avoid dairy and wheat products, spicy food and any packed food products. Consult a doctor immediately, who will prescribe antibiotics to you, depending upon the severity of your infection.


Cold is one of the most common diseases known to man and is quite prevalent amongst children. No wonder it is called the “Common cold” as it can be easily transferred from one person to another. If you have a weak immune system, you can easily catch a cold from a person who is already suffering from this infectious disease. More than 1 billion of us suffer from the symptoms of sniffling and sneezing, caused by cold. The best recommendation to avoid cold, directly or indirectly, is by building a strong immune system and eating the right food. Make sure you get all your vitamins in the natural form, i.e. through food. Sleep well, do not stress and try to avoid smoking to stay away from the most infectious disease in the world.


Aids or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a disease that basically weakens your immune system, which is the center of your defense system. Once your defense system weakens, you automatically become susceptible to infections and other diseases. Your body becomes incapable to fight the bacteria and viruses in the body that cause the diseases. Apart from sexual intercourse, HIV can spread through contact with blood through cuts and sores. Sometimes, people cannot detect these cuts and soars, and thus it is recommended to maintain sexual relations with a single trusted partner. Doing so, will not only help you in avoiding AIDS but also help you in avoiding various other kinds of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs.

Swin Flu - Precaution

In the previous article, I mentioned the description of Swine Flu. In this article, I will describe the simple process of protecting yourself against the H1N1 virus. Firstly, it is very important to keep your hands clean. If you are in an area or geographical location where this disease is widespread, then you should avoid shaking your hands with any person. Wash your hands regularly before it comes in contact with your mouth. Apart from contact, the flu virus can transfer into your system through air. Thus, try to stay at least 6 feet away from a person who looks sick to you. Cover your face and nose, preferably with a mask as depicted in the picture. If you sneeze, throw away your tissue and wash your hands thoroughly. To add to precaution, make sure you don’t travel to a region which is affected with Swine Flu virus.

Swin Flu - Part 1

Swine Flu is spreading across the globe and many people are afraid of this deadly disease due to its widespread message through the news and television coverage. Most of us are unclear as to what Swine Flu is? Well, Swine Flu or Influenza A (H1N1), is simply a flu virus with no cure. Basically, this virus stems from a combination of other flu viruses that originate from animals such as pigs, and even birds and human being. Because they are also present in human being, they can easily be transferred from one person to another. The Swine Flu virus spreads similarly to the way other viruses spread, via air. Therefore, when a person sneezes or coughs or even speaks, this virus can transfer from one being to another. As a result, we are seeing people wear masks across northern and southern America and all over the world.

Hygiene of Smell

Smelling good requires a simple discipline of keeping yourself clean with a shower or a bath. By merely showering once a day in the morning, one cannot ensure the cleanliness of the body. One needs to shower whenever he or she comes in contact with dust, pollution, perspiration and even lethargy. Wash your face regularly, 2 to 3 times a day to avoid closing your skin pores from dust, natural skin oil and bacterial infections. Once these pores get blocked, your skin collects the bacteria and oil, which results in pimples and redness on the skin. Thus, keep your skin revitalized by washing it with water (room temperature). You can always use a deodorant or an antiperspirant after a shower to smell better through the day.

Hygiene of Nails

Similarly to the hair, the nail is also made up of the protein keratin. The cells that are placed at the side and the base of the nails are responsible for the production of keratin. The hygiene of our nails is very important as the dirt and bacteria gets trapped under these nails and can enter our stomach through the consumption of food from our bare hands. Thus, preventing the growth of bacteria under our nails can help us in avoiding various infections and diseases. Sometimes the nails, specifically toenails become ingrown and grow across the sides of the skin. When this happens, the surrounding skin becomes red and irritable. To avoid such infections, trim your nails regularly and always keep them clean.

Hygiene of Ear

The ear is made up of the outer, middle and inner ear. The hygiene of ear is only considered with the outer ear as the ear canal is cleaned through the wax that is produced by the glands. The wax not only cleans the ear but protects it from dust that can affect the hearing of a person. The hygiene of the car can be taken caring of by cleaning the outer ear and behind the ear. Using cotton buds can damage the canal as they push the wax towards the canal and cause blockages and other ear infections. Removing excess earwax is a careful process and one should protect their eardrums will removing it. Use warm water into the ear to allow the wax to dissolve. That will make it easier to remove the wax from the ear. If you have regular excess of wax immerging from the ear, then allow a doctor to take care of the problem.


We do makeup, naturally to look and feel more attractive and confident. It is a choice which brings us joy and fun and people usually try to experiment with different kinds of makeup products. But we forget that makeup products are made up of chemicals and some of them can give an allergic reaction to our skin. Also, when we put makeup on our skin, we cover the pores of the skin, which can deprive the skin of adequate oxygen. Thus, it is always recommended to wash your face with water or a cleanser after removing the makeup. If you plan on buying makeup products, ensure that these products are hypoallergenic, i.e. do not cause any irritation or allergy. If your skin gets irritated from the product, stop the use of the product immediately and avoid using makeup for a few days. If you plan on using makeup, then avoid sharing makeup with your friends, as this can lead to the spread of bacteria.


Eczema or dermatitis occurs when the skin gets irritable, red and rash, specifically around the knees, arms and cheeks. If left untreated, eczema has a tendency to spread across the affected region. Eczema can also lead to swelling and development of blisters. Poor hygiene can be one of the factors that lead to Eczema and one should visit the dermatologist as soon as the symptoms of Eczema appear. Eczema can also occur due to frequent use of makeup, improper clothing, harmful chemical as well as reaction from plants. Regular cleaning of the affected area with water and a clinical soap is a part of this skin disorder. In most cases, a doctor will prescribe you an over the counter cream and in extreme cases, the dermatologist might recommend the consumption of antibiotics.

Skin Care

It is no secret that skin care has become a trillion dollar industry. But one does not need to spend a lot of money to take good care of your skin. By merely eating the right food and washing your face regularly (2 to 3 times a day with water) can revitalize your skin. Using a lot of soap makes the skin irritable and dry. This happens due to the fact that the soap removes the natural oil present on the skin. However, if a person has oily skin, frequent face washing can benefit him or her. Some of the following tips are recommended by dermatologists for a healthy and glowing skin: -
1. Avoid makeup and lotions as much as possible.
2. Use a certified SPF 15 or 25 sunscreen lotion, especially during the summer.
3. If you have pimples, gently wash your face and do not touch them with your fingers.
4. Wash your hands regularly
5. Try not to stress; stress makes your skin susceptible to irritation.

Hygiene of Hair

Similarly to the skin, the hair as well covers and provides protection to your body. The hair fragment is made up of several tubes called Keratin. Keratin is a protein which is produced by the body for its protection. Hair, as most of us know, is a dead issue and grows at the base or root of the skin, called follicles. Hair can be straight, curly or wavy, depending upon the hair follicle. It can also be dry or oily, depending upon the sebum that collects on the base of the skin, typically scalp. The sebum collects as a natural conditioner to make the hair shiny and healthy. Excess accumulation of sebum causes the hair to become oily. When sebum is naturally decreased, the hair seems to look dead and dry. Shampoos are a good means to control dry and oily hair. Keeping your scalp hair clean will ensure good hair smell and help you in avoiding future scalp related problems.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Most common amongst teenagers, acne are the pimples that develop on the face or the shoulder, back and chest. Acne primary occurs due to the presence of the extra oil in the skin of the oil glands. The oil tends to typically mix with the dead skin cells and other impurities. When that happens, the pore in our skin gets blocked and soars up to become a pimple. If you are acutely suffering from acne, do visit the dermatologist immediately. Some tips for acne are: -
1. Gently wash your face with lukewarm water in the morning and at night.
2. Never touch the pimple on the face. Touching or squeezing the pimple can result in a permanent scar. Thus, avoid touching the pimple in any circumstances.
3. Ladies, try to avoid make up when you are suffering from acne. This will only add to your troubles.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Athlete's Foot

According to Wikipedia, “Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itching of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses.” Athlete’s foot is a very common disease amongst people, especially those who have very dry and sensitive skin. Moisture plays a major role in the development of this disease. Fungal infections are promoted when the skin is moist due to perspiration and one should try the following tips to avoid and cure this disease: -
1. Seek a dermatologist as soon as you come across this disease.
2. Try to bathe regularly with a soap that is recommended by the dermatologist. Thoroughly clean and then dry yourself to ensure that your body is not moist.
3. Try avoiding the sharing of clothes and bath towels with your family members.
4. Wear clean, dry and comfortable socks that encourage the flow of air.


The obsession of becoming tanned in our society, to socially decorate ourselves by looking attractive, has caused many people to get literally cooked under the sun. Getting tanned is nothing more than punishing your skin to get a more attractive look. In fact, most people who regularly sun – bathe go through the symptoms of swelling, fever, nausea, skin diseases and sometimes minor hallucinations due to excessive heat. The sun provides us with vital vitamins which is essential for the health of our body. By merely taking a walk under the sun for 15 minutes, we serve the purpose for the health of our skin and body. But if you plan to sun – bathe regularly, do take into account the following tips: -
1. Under all circumstances, use a medically approved SPF lotion to protect your skin from harmful sun rays.
2. The best time to go under the sun is between 7: 30 AM and 10: 00 AM. During the afternoon, the sun rays are much stronger and thus much more harmful to the skin.
3. Give a gap of at least 48 hrs before you go in for another tanning session.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Hygiene of Sleep - Part 2

· Avoid alcohol: - Avoid the intake of alcohol 4 to 6 hours prior to sleep. Even though alcohol has an effect to induce sleep in the beginning, this effect ultimately fades out as the alcohol level drops in the blood stream. After this effect, a stimulant in the body is produced, which actually causes the mind to wake up and become active.
· Avoid caffeine: - Similar to alcohol, caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and other sodas, keep you awake. Thus, avoid caffeine products 4 to 6 hours prior to sleep.
· Avoid a spicy and heavy dinner: - A heavy meal with spices and sugar pumps ample energy in the body to keep it active. Keep your dinner light to allow your body to rest.
· Exercise: - Exercising regularly, particularly in the morning can enhance the depth of sleep at night. It makes your body tired and hence you require more sleep to recover from your daily exercise. However, do not exercise just before going to sleep, as this will keep you active and decrease you ability to fall asleep.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Hygiene of Breath

Bad breath or Halitosis is a common problem and most of us suffer from this disease. Bad breath leads to many diseases and thus, it is important to maintain breath hygiene. Here are some tips to deal with bad breath: - • Always clean you tongue. Keep you tongue clean as often as possible, as the formation of bacteria on the tongue is mainly responsible for bad breath. • Use a mouthwash to kill the bacteria in your mouth. Salt with warm water is the best mouthwash available as a natural cure. • Chewing gum allows your saliva to maintain your teeth and avoid bad breath. • Chew cloves, which kills the bacteria and avoid its formation. • Floss your teeth to remove the food bits between your teeth. Over time these bits are affected by bacteria, which results in a bad breath. • Finally, visit your doctor twice a year to clean your teeth. Only a dentist can remove the formation of tartar and cavities on your teeth.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Hygiene of Sleep - Part 1

Lack of sleep is one of the most common problems in our daily lives. Our modern lifestyles have force us to stay up too late and get up too early. We have disrupted our sleep with our work, entertainment and even drugs, and our sleep patterns have been spoiled due to various late night activities. Below are some of the key points to getting a good sleep. Sleep is essential for the proper function of your daily lives. The tips given in this section are known to most of us but we still tend to ignore them. • A disciplined bedtime: - Your mind gets used to the time you sleep and wake up in the morning. Try your best to obey this rule of sleeping, as it is an essential factor of getting good sleep. • Avoid sleeping during the day: - If you sleep during the day, then your body will not be tired enough to sleep during the night. This will not only disrupt your sleep pattern, but also rob you of energy during the next day. Most people feel sleepy during the afternoon, after a heavy lunch. Thus, try taking a small nap of 45 minutes to an hour.