Saturday, June 13, 2009


Most common amongst teenagers, acne are the pimples that develop on the face or the shoulder, back and chest. Acne primary occurs due to the presence of the extra oil in the skin of the oil glands. The oil tends to typically mix with the dead skin cells and other impurities. When that happens, the pore in our skin gets blocked and soars up to become a pimple. If you are acutely suffering from acne, do visit the dermatologist immediately. Some tips for acne are: -
1. Gently wash your face with lukewarm water in the morning and at night.
2. Never touch the pimple on the face. Touching or squeezing the pimple can result in a permanent scar. Thus, avoid touching the pimple in any circumstances.
3. Ladies, try to avoid make up when you are suffering from acne. This will only add to your troubles.

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